I have mentioned before that we are using the Keys of the World albums, and on Montessori Nuggets there is a basic outline/suggestion broken down into 6-month intervals as to what presentations could be given within those 6 months. As always, you need to follow the child, so the intervals is just a suggestion, but I have found it very useful to me trying to plan everything. (Note: If you purchase the albums and online support, you get a more comprehensive list of all the exercises for each interval) (Another note: I used to love receiving the regular Montessori Nuggets to my inbox every week. I loved the insights contained within it, they really are little Montessori Nuggets of treasure... and I found out towards the end of last year that Jessica from the Keys (of the World & Universe) albums is the author of the nuggets too!).
I have planned the first half of 2015 based on Intervals 1 & 2. My reason for doing this is that Interval 1 should really have started when Addie was 2.5 years old, and Interval 2 when she is 3. She turned 3 in early February, plus quite a lot of the Interval 1 & 2 Practical Life work she has already done, as well as some of the Sensorial work, so I decided to combine the two intervals for Jan-June this year.
I have broken the 6 months into 3 chunks, so it is easier for planning and organising our work load, and adjusting our plans as need be is a lot easier. Each 'chunk' I have called a 'term' which is 2 months long, again, this is just so much easier than what I was doing before (7 weeks learning, one week off, or into another term of 7 weeks learning etc...) and I can actually remember when each term starts and ends, and it is just more logical to me.
HT2 is the name for our second term of the year (HT = Homeschool Term - I called it that once and it stuck) and is for March and April. What will this term hold for us? Well, for Bear who is nearly 15-months, it is more movement, starting to do a little bit of practical life work, nothing too tricky, and getting out in nature, learning language, etc.

- poems
- living and non-living story and other biological classification
- lifecycles
- how to care for plants
- how to wash hands
- how to observe
- dressing frame work
- carrying on with the knobbed cylinders and pink tower
- introducing the brown stair and red rods
- starting the geometric cabinet work
- land, water and the continents work
- touch boards, tablets and fabrics
- baric tablets
- tasting bottles
- and the binomial cube

I am excited for her, because I love all this work! I love the sensorial and language materials in this Interval particularly, and love how they are all laying the foundations for work a lot later on!
We are also going to be continuing our look at March and April in nature around the world with our books, getting outside lots to work on our 1000 Hours challenge, and of course, the sound games with Alphatales and as per the album, and being creative wherever we can...
Welcome to HT2...
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